Calculate Salary
Quickly calculate your Albert Heijn salary based on your position, age, and hours worked.
Frequently asked questions about salary and more
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 15-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 16-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 17-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 18-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 19-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 20-year-old?
How much do you earn at Albert Heijn as a 21-year-old?
What happens to my salary if a holiday falls on a payment day?
How can I add my payment dates to my calendar?
What is the minimum wage in the Netherlands?
What is a work period and how does it work at Albert Heijn?
What should I do if my salary is incorrect?
How is my salary calculated?
When do I get paid?
Where can I view my payslip?
What is the Profit Sharing (WUK) and when do I receive it?
What is the Sunday bonus at Albert Heijn?
Do I get extra pay for working on holidays?
How does the pension scheme work?
How does the travel allowance work?
Where can you find your annual income statement (jaaropgave)?