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Albert Heijn Salary Tables 2025

Below you'll find the current Albert Heijn salary tables for 2025. The all-in hourly rate includes holiday pay and holiday hours. Some positions also have experience years, where your salary increases as you gain more experience.

Salary tables by position
AgeBase hourly rateAll-in hourly rateExperience years
18 years€ 9,25€ 12,32-
19 years€ 10,23€ 13,62-
20 years€ 11,72€ 15,61-
21+€ 14,76€ 19,650
€ 15,83€ 21,081
€ 16,10€ 21,442
€ 16,37€ 21,803
€ 16,63€ 22,144
€ 17,16€ 22,855
Servicemedewerker/Cassière B/Senior Medewerker Vers
AgeBase hourly rateAll-in hourly rateExperience years
16 years€ 6,41€ 8,54-
17 years€ 7,20€ 9,59-
18 years€ 7,79€ 10,37-
19 years€ 8,64€ 11,51-
20 years€ 11,52€ 15,34-
21+€ 14,46€ 19,250
€ 15,12€ 20,131
€ 15,34€ 20,432
€ 15,55€ 20,713
€ 15,76€ 20,994
€ 16,19€ 21,565
Caissière A/Vakkenvuller/Kwaliteitsmedewerker/Vakantiewerker
AgeBase hourly rateAll-in hourly rateExperience years
13 years€ 4,55€ 6,06-
14 years€ 4,55€ 6,06-
15 years€ 4,55€ 6,06-
16 years€ 5,25€ 6,99-
17 years€ 6,00€ 7,99-
18 years€ 7,08€ 9,43-
19 years€ 8,50€ 11,32-
20 years€ 11,32€ 15,07-
21+€ 14,16€ 18,860
€ 14,16€ 18,861
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